Counselors In Training Program

Empowerment – Community – Leadership

Our CIT Program

The goal of the QORDS CIT program is to invest in the leadership of our former campers and to nurture authentic relationships with the youth that we build with. This program bridges the gap between campers and counselors. CITs get leadership experience by sharpening decision-making skills, peer counseling, and programming camp activities. These Counselors-in-Training form their own band and experience a mentored counselor position. Past campers who are now ages 18-21 are eligible to apply to become a CIT.

QORDS believes that peer (queer) leadership is one of the fundamental ways to create a sustainable community. We hope this program will inspire the potential CIT with opportunities to refine and build upon their leadership skills, gain new knowledge, develop new attitudes, and gain experiential practice in their roles as leaders.

CIT Applications for 2024 camp are CLOSED. Keep up to date with us via Instagram.



Before Camp

  • Tell your friends – campers (ages 12-17) and CITs (ages 18-21) – to come to camp!
  • Outreach to schools in your area
  • Attend CIT Training (mandatory)

During Camp

  • Work with counselors to create a safe, inclusive space for camp
  • Experiential learning by shadowing and assisting staff
  • Organize and teach a workshop at camp (optional)
  • Collaborate with other CITs and successfully plan an all-camp event
  • Assist in cabin supervision duties
  • Form a CIT band and write songs
  • Adhere to QORDS camp policy and code of conduct in volunteer contract

After Camp

  • Encourage continued contact between former campers/camper families
  • More outreach to schools in your area
  • Develop a resource guide for queer and trans youth & youth of queer and trans parents for camp
  • Create educational & kid-friendly hand-outs to explain the gender spectrum for community use

What's Camp Like?

See photos and videos from QORDS week-long summer camp!

Still Have Questions?

Get in touch with any questions you might have about being a CIT.